Wednesday, May 9, 2012

yes. i'm talking about them.

i apologize for the lack on sync-ege with the audio. i don't know why it's doing that.

please subscribe.

Monday, May 7, 2012


attention: "don't judge me" is all i can say about this.

so yesterday, and today....i have been fan-girling.


they are back. and i am so dang excited.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

things that make me laugh

and it's time for yet another installment of funny pictures. i don't know what it is about pictures like these, but i get such a kick out of them.

last couple of posts like this (both here and here)

i got the few you're about to see from tumblr. follow me .

and while this is funny, it is also totally true.

i will do this.

love this movie.

.."does whatever a spidercat does..."

everyday of my life.
those aren't the right words?