Monday, July 30, 2012

the start of something lovely.

today is the start of something lovely.
my dear friend/ "sister" Jennifer, has joined us in the blog world!!!

i love this girl so much!  and she is a fantastic writer. 
go be a gem on a ring and check out her very first entry!!

To Jennifer-
i'm so excited that you have finally, FINALLY started a blog. especially since i have been suggesting it for a while. :))))) already i can see that this will be fascinating and can't wait to see whats in store for you through this process!! LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

this is great.

this is NOT for anyone. i just thought this was so funny. so i'll post this hate for a persons blog on my blog.


Friday, July 13, 2012

free stuff is good. and free.

So it's been a few...

anyways. i got some free stuff last week to review. here's me discovering what i got. so interesting, right? SO INTERESTING. but hey, free is good. especially when it's theses lovely things in the video. i'll be doing a follow up video over the weekend hopefully to talk about how lovely these free thing were. :)

also, i have been doing more with youtube then i have with this blog. sorry bout that. making youtube videos is something i have wanted to do for a very long time (hence this post from like two years ago.)

so i was thinking i could make a deal with all of you followers here. so as not to completely abandon this blog and all of you, how bout i start posting my videos here after they are uploaded to youtube? and then give a little more commentary?

how does that sound?

so you think can handle the bout of weirdness you will see from me in person? well, either way. you're going to have to. because it's happening. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

never EVER buy clinical anti perspirant deodorant.

oh the things that DON'T frustrating. at least i didn't smell like body odor. i just looked like it. haha. NO.