So in my Lit. class we are reading "Mere Christianity" by C.S. Lewis. we got a ginormous amount to read over spring break, but that doesn't really matter at this point. I have four chapters left and so i am on the home stretch......yes....sweet, sweet victory is on its way.......:)
Anyways, i was reading some tonight and i read on a number of things that popped out to me and made me want to share it........so i thought i would blog about it....so now whoever reads this must endure through this......BWHAHAHAHAHA!!
Jeez.....i must be A.D.D. or something...who knows....:/
The first thing that popped out at me was in the chapter entitled "Christian Marriage".
Now every one of us single girls may dream about what it will be like to get married, right? We imagine meeting our "Prince Charming" who will come and sweep us off our feet and we will both be in love with each other and ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after. The we imagine our lives being perfect with the man with love, being married to him "until death do us part"..........
Lewis says that "being in love is a glorious state". (I can only imagine that this is true, seeing that i haven't been in love yet....) He says that it makes us as humans more generous and courageous, "it opens our eyes not only to the beauty of the beloved (ya know...the amazing person that you're in love with...) but to all beauty. Basically he says that love opens you're eyes and gives you a whole new meaning of life and how one should behave...or something like that....that's what it says to me......translate that the way you like......
The later on, Lewis goes on to say "Knowledge can last, principles can last, habits can last; but feelings cannot..." He says that no matter what people say, actually "being in love" doesn't usually last. I beg to differ.....
Before i go on, i would like to say that yes,i know that i have never been in love, and yes i know i have never been married (duh...I'm only 17 and still in high school). But from what i have been taught and the opinions that i have formed from what i have been taught, i MOST DEFINITELY disagree with what Lewis says....
When it comes to love and being in love with the "right" person- the person that God has been preparing for you and you for him/her-your feelings for them will never change. You may go through a period of time where you don't particularly like your spouse, but I don't think your feelings really change for them. Like i said, if he/she is the one that God has been preparing for you and you for them, those feelings shouldn't ever truly change.
Maybe i don't know what I'm talking about....maybe i am over stepping some boundaries that shouldn't be crossed until i get married and actually "experience" what C.S. Lewis is talking about......just remember that these are my opinions formed by what i have been taught.....
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