honestly...it feels like it purposely sticks out a leg to trip you only to laugh at you when you fall on your face......
My reason for this decision is based on what happened to me yesterday......

yes you should...its RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE.......:)
anyways......i was dropped off at the tech. library so i could work on some homework, and then walk down to my orthodontist for an appointment....being the airhead that i tend to be, i did even think to bring an umbrella even though it had rained the day before and the sky was looking very overcast. of course....
so after being at the library for about an hour, i decided to look out the window. and low and behold, IT WAS RAINING....of course. i ask God right then and there to stop the rain...and it did....for a little while....
i get ready to leave the library, happily packing my things mind you, when i look out the window again.....it was raining HARDER. so i decided right then and there that i really needed and umbrella. i go in the college book store. they have umbrellas, but the only kind available are the big ones (notice pic above), which are, of course, the most expensive.
one umbrella and $25 later (yes, that's how much the umbrella cost...ridiculous, i know), i walk out side, with the already unwrapped umbrella, keep in mind, so i now can't return it.
OF COURSE.....being Beaufort.......it would still be raining, BUT not hard enough to need an umbrella......OF COURSE.........
i would really like to break this umbrella............
oh sweetheart i am sorry.... hey here in Poland i have learned to carry a small umbrella in my purse at all times rain or not...and so far it has come in very helpful:)
love you and wish i could give you hugs
haha...its all good...i found this actually rather comical
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