no? well..........ok.
i am not going to go on and on about why i haven't posted in like three months. it would take up a great amount of posting time and i'm sure no one would really care one way or another. :)
seriously though, lots has been happening. good stuff. bad stuff. and everything in between.
and in particular: GRADUATION has come and gone! graduation week: the most stressful week i have faced yet, holy shamoley. but i'm done with HIGHSCHOOL.
i feel quite accomplished, with having survived highschool, only making two C's this entire school year and what-not. now i'm getting read for a week long youth trip and a missions trip to CHINA. super excitement flowing over here! oh yeah-uh.

summer time is basically here! i live in Beaufort, South Carolina, you may have assumed that it already started. but that is the strange part. summer starts earlier HERE then other place.
summer in Beaufort can usually consist of:
1. beach days and/or pool days (something i have only had the privilege to do once)
2. large quantities of sweet tea, water, capri sun, and sometimes even iced coffee being consumed on a daily basis. (i may have been known to be a large consumer of the iced coffee........)
3. and then there are those days when you have been downtown, to bluffton or the beach more then anyone should. you are so bored that you say "let's hang out at wal-mart" and actually mean it. (that's what happens when you live in a town where the closest mall is an hour away.)
AND for those of us with curly/wavy/ get's-frizzy-as-soon-as-you-walk-outside- because-it's-so-damp-out- humidity is something you have to plan your day around.
it reminds me of what Jane Austen said about hot weather: "What dreadful hot weather we have! It keeps me in a continual state of inelegance." (emphasis added)
amen sister. couldn't have said it better myself.
and while i'm posting, today , as other blogs have named it, it AWKWARD and AWESOME thursday:

1. going in to a swanky salon and med spa for a haircut (i used a coupon cuz i wouldn't have been there otherwise.) and having a MAN cut you're hair. that was an awkwardly intimate experience, having a strange man run his fingers through my hair. *shudders* i felt violated. (keep in mind though, HE DID AN AMAZING JOB ON MY HAIR. i was impressed)
2. changing probably a million diapers the weekend before a i got my hair did. in nursery at my church, watching lil chillins for a homeschool conference, and i am the only adult (as in old enough to change diapers) in the room, allowing me to be on diaper duty.
3. having some strange kid from one of the conference vendors continuously coming by the nursery.
1. that haircut from the MAN. it is great, i'm not gonna lie.
2. the fact that i have finally completed highschool. i can't stress enough what an amazing feeling that is to be done with this part of my schooling. i could scream. but i'm not going to, because neighbors might hear me and then may call the police because they will have thought i have been murdered.
3. kid from conference mention earlier. while he was awkward, he was awesome in the sense that he would provide us with a constant source of laughter, because he was in fact, HYSTERICAL.
alrighty friends. that's all i got to say about that. have a sha weeet day, and maybe you'll here from me tomorrow. :)