Thursday, November 10, 2011

the awkward moment when.....

....when someone in you proximity, has yet another bad case of the Monday mornings. now i hate mondays JUST AS MUCH as the next person, but i don't begin my mondays fussing about something that has happened over the weekend. this is getting RIDICULOUS. this has been going on for two or three weeks IN A ROW. same person. holy crap..........

....(monday november 7) when you're writing a paper arguing against euthanasia, which is suppose to be five pages, double spaced, and all you can regurgitate only about three double spaced pages worth.........WHY MUST THIS BE SO HARD. and the kicker is that i have put in everything i wanted to argue (which was a lot) and it still didn't come out to five pages......growl.

....when someone says hi to you, and apparently you cannot speak that day. my "hi" came out a cross between a "hi" and a "hello", making it a 'haullll" of so
me sort. good gracious. i swear my intelligence amazes me to no end.
high five in the face for me please!

....when someone is riding your tail, and you proceed to LOOK INTO THE REAR VIEW MIRROR AT THEM and yell. the awkward part is the fact that they slow down as soon as you do this, making you think that they actually heard you......

....when you're pumping gas into your truck and you hear the music over the speakers, suddenly begin to skip. that's classy, playing a scratched cd over the sound system. and i thought gas stations generally just played the radio......

....when you're reaching for the door handle and it is farther away then you anticipated. i then proceeded to claw at the air and nearly fall over just because of MOMENTARY LAPS IN JUDGEMENT.

....when you see someone that you have met a couple times, so you say "hi! how are you?" then they say "good" and look at you like they have no idea who you are. COME ON. you do too know who i am, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T. poop face.

....when the drive thru lady goes to hand you your order, and she DROPS IT OUT THE WINDOW. granted, it WAS and accident. but she then proceeded to dangle herself out the window to see if she could grab it. thanks but no thanks, i would rather awkwardly get out my car to grab it rather then you falling out of the drive thru window ON YOUR HEAD.

....when you see someone having a genuine rock out session in their car, and you laugh at them. then you realize that you do THE EXACT SAME THING

....when your teacher pulls and random and unnecessary crude joke in your class. REALLY? come on.........

....when you're walking to class and you see someone running with their arms extended but bent at their elbows. juuuuuusst picture it...........


i was told yesterday that i have a beautiful smile! my day was made, especially considering that my smile made someone else's day. thank you friend for the kind words!!

and with that, i'll leave you with a smile.

have a beautiful day!


Unknown said...

You do have a beautiful smile! Not to mention, you're HILARIOUS! I love these posts. I can just imagine going along with you business in the week, and then something awkward happens... and you make a note of it for your next blog post! :)

Victoria Mayo said...

I nearly laughed out loud in the library about the drive-thru one!!!

Caroline Gant said...

Kylee- thank you for your sweet words! that's exactly what i do, something awkward happens, the soonest chance i get, i make a note of it somewhere on my computer.

Victoria- i swear by all that is good in the world, that it really happened. and it was AWKWARD.....