Wednesday, March 7, 2012

got stay with it some how, right?

alrighty. so this week is my school's spring break. HOLLLLLAAA!!!!! PAAARRRTAAY!

no. no partaaaay's. i am working this week. which is good beacuse i love my job and it means another paycheck. WOOOOT!, i have not said *woot* in a very long time.....

(sorry for the grainy pics. you know cell phones...)

picture 1:
this is where i work. or at least, part of the view i have from my desk. and usually, there are people scattered ALLLLL ABOUT the library. but noooo. not this week. it's spring break. don't get me wrong, i really do LOVE working here. but this is not fun. and i also have no motivation whatsoever tio do the buttload of homework that was assigned for NEXT WEEK.

picture 2:
my motivation to get some homework done. i will be caffeinated, hydrated and stimulated for HOPEFULLY the next four and a half hours. and since there is no one coming up to the desk every five minutes, i am allowed to sit here with some headphones on and listen to some sweet tunes.

wow! twice this week, so far. i'm getting better at this blogging thing. lol

oh and is anyone else excited for Big Time Rush's movie this weekend? is bad that i am SOOOO EXCITED?

it is?
and you're judging me for it?

"ah well. the wind in my face will dry my tears." (fresh prince of bel air.)

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