thinking- about life. and how that sometimes it sucks, because school sucks, but that it's a season and that i'll make it if i persevere. God is good. and how playing with kitties makes everything better.
loving- coffee, but hey. if you have read this blog long enough, you dang well that i love coffee, among other things. my love for coffee is so passionate that is fiery like a thousand burning suns. also, i've been listening to the lovely duet known as "the likes of us", and i must say: daaaaaaaaannnnng. fan-flipping-tastic. and do you know what makes them even better? they have free music here. his voice+ her voice+the fact that they did a cover of "dream a little dream of me"= me laying on the floor crying with happiness. is that fetal position? why yes, i have mastered that one.
cooking- coffee? does that count? also i make a fantastic looking salad from any salad bar and my eggs? aww yeah. so maybe i lack some cooking skills right now. hey, crap happens.
dreaming- about how i will eventually put all of these ideas in my head on to youtube. one day. soon. how i can't wait (and yet i can at the same time, weird how that works, eh?) to have a family of my own. but let's be real. that's my dream in life. so it's on my mind a lot. and how i can't wait to travel. i want to (and will, hopfully sooon) go on road trips. yes. sounds beautiful. yes yes.
how is everyone out there in the blog world? good i hope. i have missed ya'll so.
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