Friday, July 5, 2013

my jams.

lots of quiet of here, eh?

anyways, i have had lots of jams as of late.

by jams, i don't mean ONLY music. (granted a lot of my jams this week are music.)

by jams, i mean things that i am ALLLLLL ABOUT YA'LL.  shoooooooooooooo.

aww yeah-uh.

so let us begin.

my jam as of late has been folk/ folk rock music.
take a listen, won't you?

the avett brothers-

judah and the lion- 

the oh hello's- 

fever fever- clouds catch fire

and then aside from the mountain music (as i like to call this stuff) here are some other musical jams that i have taken a fancy too:

flame- move
aaron shust- my hope is in you (this is going to be my life song)

and now on to other things besides music (because i could go on and on and oooooooonnnnnn)

i have been fangirling over dutch braids and crown braids as of recently.

maybe deep down, i want to be heidi......

eh. then again, maybe not.

what have been your jams recently?

1 comment:

Natty said...