Wednesday, December 18, 2013

christmas scavenger hunt.

now i had fully intended to write about this past weekend on monday.
 heck, i even actually put this post together on monday.
 but did it go out? obviously not.
oh well. 

this past saturday was the youth group christmas party and scavenger hunt. i only stayed to help with the scavenger hunt since i had to pop over at another christmas party, but i had such a blast participating!

although being a driver with a bunch of excited girls on a scavenger hunt is something i don't think i had ever experienced....but it was so much fun!

doing a handstand by a chirstmas decoration.

taking a picture with a stranger holding egg nog.

taking a picture with christmas wreaths on their faces.

taking a picture of "stockings hung by the chimney with care."

we had to take a picture with a stranger pretending to but a christmas decoration.

they had to spell out joy with their bodies. also, it was raining.

pretending to lick a candy cane.
someone isn't too excited about that.

christmas hats! i believe they were duck dynasty inspired.

here are my girls hiding under a christmas tree in mcdonalds.

this is a rendition of the nativity scene.

group picture: love these girls!
we had so much fun running around, doing christmas things, embarrassing ourselves and probably other people.

word to the wise: don't so a scavenger hunt while its raining and wearing flip flops.
although, it makes it that much more interesting!

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