hi friends!
as you are reading this,
i am currently headed to chicago with a van full of spunky teenagers
and one entertaining youth pastor.
why you may ask?
we are all headed to
moody bible institute for
founder's week- a week long bible conference. we get to take this opportunity to visit the school, attend a conference with a bunch of fantastic speakers and amazing worship (as a worship leader, i am most excited about this part), visit some of our former students, and on top of all that, explore the blustery city of chicago.
what more can you ask for?
with all this being said, i thought it would be appropriate to explain why i love being a youth leader. here are the ten reasons why its cool.
part of my small group |
(in no particular order)
1. i get to channel being a kid again
and build relationships with the teens.
it's really refreshing after a long week to unwind by hanging out with kids at least ten years your junior. not much is expected other than acceptance, a little love, and someone for them to talk to. and if you act a little crazy, it's socially acceptable. you don't have to fully act your age for a few hours.`
2. i kinda get to do the whole
"what i would have told my younger self"
to an actual younger version of me.
have you ever come across a teenager who, maybe minus looks, is exactly how you were as a teen? scary isn't it? but also it's kinda neat and sometimes scary to see that from a different perspective. you see then make the same choices, good or bad, that you made back in the day and this gives you the opportunity to correct some wrongs in another youngster by walking them through "what no to do" and hopefully steer them in the right direction. *fingers crossed*
my small group |
this girl reminds me of myself when i was her age. i love her dearly. |
3. it helps to keep me spiritually accountable.
now i realize that this isn't the only way to keep accountable, but it is very helpful. the way i look at it is, how are you going to help teenagers grow spiritually when you're not there yet either? how are you going to answer questions, particularly the hard ones? you gotta be alert, ready to go. prepared for anything. "Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong." (I Corinthians 16:13)
4. i get the opportunity to instill some Godly truth into, and disciple the youngers.
someone once described the importance of youth ministry to me in this way- this is the time in a teens life where they are becoming older and beginning to make and for their own decisions and opinions on certain things and topics. you want to get them while they are still forming said thoughts and opinions. this is one of the best times to tell them about Jesus.
5. i potentially get to travel.
i love to travel. so when i can do it with the youth ministry, it's the actual best thing. i've been able to go to chicago once before, youth camp over a million times (ok ten, but you get the picture) and overseas. mission trips with teenagers is a fun and rewarding time because you get to watch these teens practice what they've been taught to those who don't know Jesus. i love watching them step outside their comfort zone.
the forbidden city
beijing, china
2016 |
but in all honesty, it's really an amazing opportunity to teach young kids, mainly young girls, who's exact seats you were sitting in ten years ago, about Jesus and how to love Him in a time where its really hard to. and i'm still being taught as well, because the things we teach the teenagers, it's still very essential to adults.
hope you enjoyed this post, friends!
i have some questions for you-
are you a part of any ministries at your church?
what is it/ are they?
do you love them?
ps. here is a picture of me in highschool.
emphasis on the awkward.
but don't forget thats why we are all here to begin with.