and we begin:
.......you make a to do list and forget what you wanted to do...........*facepalm*
....someone is taking a picture with professional flash and some one is caught off guard by it. the awkward part is that said person almost walks into a wall while shouting the F WORD. really dude? you have just presented everyone in the library with the amount of intelligence that you have. naughty.
......you are doing your job of counting how many people are in the library (and i repeat, this is much easier then it sounds. it's for statistics so i have been told) and you walk by the collaborative lab and find two people playing chess. interesting. and strange......
......quietly taking my anger out on computer because it is not as fast as i needed it to be in that very second. my computer is plenty fast with the right internet connection, i was just being impatient. and we could say that some people noticed a little...
..... your sperry's (shoes) keep coming untied. geez....i feel like a flipping preschooler.
.....your shoes make a flatulent noise while walking. it wasn't loud or anything, but i swear that others probably heard it. I WAS MY SHOES PEOPLE, I SWEAR. i don't walk around and flatulate as i go....
.....you carry books for ONE class and it weighs the same amount as a small child does. this causes you to carry it on your hip AS IF IT WERE A SMALL CHILD. i'm not crazy, i promise i'm not. i just need to shift the weight to another area.....
I just tried to comment. It erased it.
sad face.
a cup of subtle tea
Try again?
The best way to carry things is on your hips. I was blessed (or cursed, depending on how you want to look at it) with big, baby-carrying hips. So during our move when I moved almost all the boxes for the house by myself I put them on my hip to get them up the stairs. I now have a funny bruise on each hip. haha
a cup of subtle tea
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