we went to see the three musketeers........in 3D.
oh flipping poo.......it was AWESOME.
i can't stand how great it was.
this lovely dude, Matthew Macfayden, was in it,
which made me super excited because
i LOVED LOVED LOVED HIM as mr darcy in the newer pride and prejudice.
also this attractive kid was in it.
logan lerman.
most would associate him with that percy jackson movie that i never saw.
i associate him with HOOT.
he has grown up since then...and is very handsome.
i loved him in the movie.
i loved him in the movie.
then we decided to be super cool and take some pictures after the movie....

when i see something in three dimension, this is how i usually go through the movie.
lifting my classes up and down so stuff doesn't fly in my face.

yeah. fun day. awesome movie. strange girls. this is what we do when we have fall break.
we MAKE a day. yeah.....
I've wanted to see that movie! Also... I only hate one thing about wearing glasses full-time. Okay... two.
One. I always put smudges on them when I push them up. Yea I'm a nerd like that.
Two. Wearing 3D glasses stinks and you look ridiculous. Oh well! Obviously it doesn't stop me. :)
a cup of subtle tea
hannah! you have to go see it. it is AHHHHHHH-mazing. yeah i was thinking when i was told that i would be seeing it in three d, how in the heck and i gonna wear them glasses. but they fit over my normal ones well.....and i push up my glasses too!!
hannah! you have to go see it. it is AHHHHHHH-mazing. yeah i was thinking when i was told that i would be seeing it in three d, how in the heck and i gonna wear them glasses. but they fit over my normal ones well.....and i push up my glasses too!!
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