Monday, November 26, 2012

being an English Major has it's perks.

in what other field of study can you end every sentence with "metaphorically"?

me: "i thought i was stepping on your foot."
fellow english major friend Adam: "maybe you were metaphorically."

and thus sparks the conversation of metaphorically stepping on one's foot

Monday, October 15, 2012

let's see how much of this crap i have actually retained.

so this is just going to be me using my readers, as a way of studying.......i'm just going to vomit information in this post.

louis armstrong is basically know as the father of jazz. he played the cornet and the trumpet AND he sang.

He was born in New Orleans. He had the chance to join Kings Oliver’s band in Chicago and stayed with them for a while before branching off and doing his own thing.

Some more well known pieces of his- “now you has jazz”, “hot like this”, and one more that i can’t remember

Bix Biderbecke was the white verision of Louis Armstrong. pretty fantastic trumpet player.

Benny Goodman had a great big band band and played a song for some movie called “sing sing sing”

Scott Joplin played the “Maple Leaf Rag”

Django Reinhardt was a phenomenal jazz guitarist. he injured one of his hands, the hand that plays the chords, in a fire and learned to play guitar with only two finger.

Nat King Cole, well…everyone knows who that is, i should hope. He sang and played “Unforgettable” and my personal favorite “When I Grow to Old to Dream”.

“Trading Fours/ Eighths” is when throughout a song, each musician plays a four to eight measure solo. basically taking turns.

“12 bar blues” are what i call “stereotypical blues”. you count through them, going ONE, 2, 3, 4, TWO, 2, 3, 4, ETC” till you get to twelve. the Beatles white Album is an example of this.

Syncopation- when notes are accented right before or right after the actual beat. “accenteing off beats”

and then i have to be able to name song songs just from listening to them, and i have to know theory, which is easy for me because i have taken piano and some sort of music somthing for a REALLY LONG TIME. theory shouldn’t be a problem.

but yeah…this is what i can remember. so maybe i’ll do alright? i hope so.

i hate midterms.

i hate exams in general.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

mid terms. how about no? let's ramble instead.

mid terms are upon us. yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.

somebody shoot me now.

 i don't do well with exams. i had my first meltdown of the semester on tuesday. the fact that i started school in august and it's now october and i JUST had a meltdown over school--things are looking up in the my world of emotionalness.

my midterm schedule is as follows: i had a spanish exam today (not exactly a midterm, but an exam all the same.), a music midterm on monday, a midterm AND a paper due on tuesday, and then another exam the next monday or wednesday. i don't even know.

so needless to say, i'm a bit stressed. and yet with all that, i'm taking the time to write a blog post.

priorities people.


i’m taking a jazz and american pop music class this semester.
thought it would be interesting. BUT NO. it isn’t.
although we listen to music all the time, so that’s not bad.
but i’m not a huge fan of jazz, which is ok because my teacher admitted that jazz is an acquired taste. and he is a DIE HARD jazz fan. like he plays gigs on the weekends. and travels to New York a few times a year so he can listen to jazz. he travels up there  JUST TO LISTEN TO JAZZ.
any ways…while he said jazz is an acquired taste, this is the one song we have listened to that i have fallen in love with.


is it weird that i just made and entire playlist on youtube that consists of songs i need to know for my jazz midterm?
is it weird that it’s public?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

first almost all nighter.

i stayed up till 2 am. working on homework.
mid terms are next week.
i’m proud to say that since school started (Aug 23), i have not had to pull an all nighter of any kind until now (October 10).

i take great pride in that.
i also go my sleeve caught on the door of Starbucks.
i also have no idea……yep. not sure what was going to come out there.
i am so sleepy. like what?
i see a purple unicorn dancing across me work desk right now, that’s how tired i am.

 and 2 am isn't much of an all nighter, but it's the closest i have ever come since starting college minus the anthropology final debacle of spring 2012.

you should go read about that one. it was pretty great, and much more entertaining.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

the thoughts that stem from a simple pedicure.

my mother and i went to have a pedicure over the weekend. this was my first experience having a professional pedicure. the young lady that did it was awesome! she was very gentle and my toes turned out lovely.

anyways. some things were flowing through my mind as this gentle Asian girl worked on my feet. she didn't talk much, because her English was poor and anytime she asked me something i would either have to ask her to repeat, or just smile and say "yes. sure."

so in the mean time, instead of conversing, like my mother was trying to do with the person working on her feet, i would read my magazine, and look over to see what she was doing. now. it's not that i didn't trust her. it's that i was not really sure what went on during a pedicure.

speaking of which, did you know that after they lotion up your legs, they smack them? not a painful smack, but more like a pounding. either it's to wake up your legs, or.....i really don't know why they do that. but they do.

and i'm ok with it.

back to what i was originally saying. anytime the pedicurist and i made eye contact, we would smile at each other. i guess that was our own way of conversing. and i'm all about smiles. i think just day to day, people need a smile. but even though i say that, you have to be careful who you smile at just anyone. obviously, some people will be stupid and take it the wrong way.

why do i get so distracted, even in a blog post?

well, i don't know exactly how we got on to this, but the the awkward yet, reassuring "smile conversation" that we had reminded me of the time a spent in china. and that's not just because of the fact that an Asian girl worked on my feet. i think it was the way we communicated with one another through our body language. that's basically what i had to do to communicate with those who knew little or no English at all.

i was talking with my mother about it that evening and got very teared up over the fact that i wanted to return to china. not permanently, unless God shows me otherwise. but it made me remember how i felt when i first got home and started recuperating from the jet lag. and for weeks and months after that. china had taken a piece of my heart.

little did i know that after a year, it would still have part of my heart.
i hope and pray that God allows me to go back someday.

in the mean time, i guess that i should start telling y'all about it. i started shortly after i returned home, but never finished telling the blogger world about it. i suppose a year is a long enough wait, don't you?
in the mean time, here is the first post.

this was quite the long-ish post, now wasn't it? if you stayed a read my entire thoughts and ramble, you are fantastic in my book.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

it's thursday again.

...two of your best friends and your mother blindfold and kidnap you. the ending was happier then the beginning though. don't worry.

... you make any kind of accidental loud noise in the library. it echos.....very loudly. almost walk into someone and while moving out of each
other's way, he does a little jumpity thingy. you are not a boxer. stop bouncing back and forth like on. honestly.

 ...a friend from school knows it's your birthday, and starts
serenadeing to you IN THE LIBRARY.

 ...the same thing happens at your other job, and you get chased into
the bathroom
by another serenader.'re school mascot is a sandshark and one of the profs. comes
up to the front desk and asks you "how do you sand a shark?" um...i don't know. find a book entitled "who moved my cheese?", in the psychology section. i moved you're cheese. guilty.

... your shoes keep tripping you up, ESPECIALLY when you walk by someone.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

two decades.

well, today is my twentieth birthday. i share this day with beyonce', or so i was told. 

um....yay for me? 
i think? 

anyways, today i really didn't do anything but school and work, which does stink with it being your birthday and all, but this past weekend totally made up for it. :)

what had happened was (and all good stories start out this way) friend, Danielle, tells me, not asks me, but tells me thursday night that i am going to come spend the night at her house sunday night. because i enjoy her company, i say "sure."

well sunday comes around, i pack the way i would normally pack for a night at a friends. myself, along with Danielle, Abigail, my mom and some other lady-friends go to lunch. danielle, abigail and myslef head back to the church afterwards, where the surrounded me, tell me to take off my glasses and proceed to put a blind fold over my face.  then after about an hour and many twists and turns, we finally stop driving (also after a bathroom break for SOMEONE and one other stop). 

does the blind fold come off then?

my mom pulls me out of the car and starts leading me somewhere.

then she takes the blind fold off, i put my glasses on, and i find myself in the presence of what used to be three of my very good friends that i have grown up with. these three have turned in to very handsome citadel knobs! 

i haven't seen them for a month, so the fact that we were able to see then while in charleston was so great. such a pleasant surprise!

the beginning of my weekend really stunk like poo, but this made it so much happier.

the best friend and myself. 
the other best friend and myself.
and still another dear friend and myself.
dani and the boys.

and then we spent the next day just walking around downtown charleston, which is something i love to do. charleston is one of my very favorite places.

at the waterfront park in charleston, sc.

the whole litter of us beaufortonians.

thank you to my mom for making this happen. thank you to the nicholas's and Wes for making me happy for my birthday. thank you bray and zach for also making me happy. thank you danielle and abby for kidnapping and torturing me. 

you all are pretty dang fantastic and know how to make a girl feel special. 


Saturday, September 1, 2012

the weekly awkward moments are back!!

alrighty y'all.

school is back in session. and that means, for me, it's time to be awkward again. and i'm excited about it! yay for awkward!

... i'm going to turn 20 next tuesday (wink wink) and i'm fangirling (and i have loved them since they started but now it's just alot more) over a boy band. i get you thought it was going to be one direction. NOOOPPE. it's those attractive fellows in the link above. don't you judge me. there are alot worse things to listen to out there. and i justify it with the fact that they are either two-three years older then i, so "i have a better chance" then most of the teeny boppers out there. hahahahaha.......awkward. of your two english profs. mixes up a miracle that jesus performed with something completely different. professor said, "locus's to fishes", whereas, correct me if i'm wrong, but i believe it was "water to wine."

...the other english professor, when talking about a project and saying that if we are "a control freak and have to have everything our way, that we need to get over our d*** selves move on. yep, he went there..

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

just so you know...

just so you know....i'm awesome.

so awesome, in fact, that i can embarrass myself to no end. my intelligence and smarticleness is a phenomenon.

today while walking to class, i was carrying my umbrella.

and let me tell you, if you live in beaufort county, you know it was quite the day for umbrellas. it rained like it was going out of style. thanks hurricane Isaac. USCB now has a lake. AND possibly a swimming pool. those weren't there yesterday!

anyways, it wasn't raining when i was holding my umbrella, so i thought i would try and be cool and twirl the umbrella around. i was doing awesome until about 30 seconds into my fun. and then....

i dropped my umbrella. everyone has that, smack in the face where they are doing something pretty well. and then all of the sudden, you make a fool of yourself.

the key is to play it off by picking up your umbrella and then pulling out your phone and continuing on your merry way as if nothing happened.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

God is always good.

i feel like i have made a previous blog post with a similar title before, but i think one can never have to many blog posts with this title. because it is so true.

HE is so good.
HE is always good.

HE has been testing my faith to the max lately though, but has answered my prayers through and through.

i found out in july that i didn't get work study at my school, something i was blessed with for the entirety of my freshman year in college. so needless to say, i was bummed. BUT i was able to get on a waiting list for it. and i was near the top of the list.

i went and told my former boss at the library this news. she then asked me if i still wanted to work at the library. and of course i told her i did. so she said that if i sent her my class schedule for the fall that she would look at it and let financial aid know that she wanted to rehire me, so they wouldn't have to retrain someone and because they liked having me. (and that makes me blush....hahah)

well after some major financial and schedule changes, i got an email this morning from my former boss at the library, telling me to go to financial aid ASAP for rehire!!!

so it looks as if i may be working at the library again! i'm so happy! it's a huge answer to prayer! i loved working there last year. and this will help so much with my current financial situation with school.

my mom reminded me of this the other day and i am continually reminding my self: no situation is bigger then GOD.

and GOD'S timing is always perfect.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to HIS purpose." Romans 8:28

Monday, August 20, 2012

flow 2012- the early travels

need i say anymore then what's going on in this video? other then i need to be better at not shaking the camera?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

let me see you wobble


i had the amazing opportunity to go an be a leader for a youth camp that i was a part of, with the same youth group that i am a leader in that i was also a student in not to long ago. FLOW baby. that's where it's at.

we headed up to Fort Bluff in Tennessee. such a beautiful camp, and their second year hosting us! i hope this becomes the new permanent place for FLOW, i really do.

my dear friend chandra and i had the BEST SMALL GROUP EVER. hands down. no arguing this one folks.

Ale', Ashley, and Adeline ( we should have been called the A-TEAM. hahahahahaha...): ya'll were such a huge encouragement to me this past week. i'm blessed to have been one of your leaders. thank you girls for opening up, and sharing your thoughts, wisdom, and what the Lord has been teaching you. LOVE YOU!!!

These ladies are fantastic.

i was so encouraged by, not only my small group, but by the youth in general. there is always a night at FLOW that asks for a commitment to God or salvation. and the number of kids that committed themselves to God for His plan in their lives was incredible. i pray that they take this commitment to heart and live it through their daily lives.

to all you highschoolers, watching your growth  throughout the week was also a huge encouragement. thank you. 

this flow also brought back my love for praise music.......

"For so long I've been sleeping 
Dead Inside 
In so many ways, so many ways I've tried to hide 
But you breathed deep into me Your melody 
What was life before You? 
I don't remember 
I don't remember life that way 

I, I get lost inside 
The wonder of Your beauty 
A melody so sweet I'll sing forever 
Of your love " -melody by audio adrenaline


Falling on my knees in worship
Giving all I am to seek your face
Lord all I am is yours
My whole life
I place in your hands
God of Mercy
Humbled I bow down
In your presence at your throne

I called you answered
And you came to my rescue and I
I wanna be where you are

In my life be lifted high
In our world be lifted high
In our love be lifted high

-came to my rescue by hillsong

these were just some of the amazing songs that were sung in the last week. 

and last but not least......the wobble.

yes. it's very likely that we did this dance as a group on more then one occasion. and's very likely i got video proof of it. don't worry though- i did wobble myself. JUST NOT ON CAMERA.

instead of pictures, i got some video footage from each day. once i start getting them put together, i'll post them for ya'll to see.

until then.....

let me see you wobble.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


little does anyone know that this entire surprise party was the easiest thing to plan, kinda. this is simply because cara went on ahead and planned it. but she didn't know his would actually happen.


are we awesome or what?

happy belated birthday cara! love you.
enjoy this beautiful video.
remember the good times that happened almost two weeks ago.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

all you need is coffee.

and now, after watching all that beautifulness, you are asking yourself "WHAT IS THIS??"

i can answer that question. this was my final project for my business writing class. we were suppose to come up with a video for a fictitious business proposal. this is basically a commercial of what my "coffee place" COULD be.

now, after watching this, i know you want to come to my coffee shop.

Monday, July 30, 2012

the start of something lovely.

today is the start of something lovely.
my dear friend/ "sister" Jennifer, has joined us in the blog world!!!

i love this girl so much!  and she is a fantastic writer. 
go be a gem on a ring and check out her very first entry!!

To Jennifer-
i'm so excited that you have finally, FINALLY started a blog. especially since i have been suggesting it for a while. :))))) already i can see that this will be fascinating and can't wait to see whats in store for you through this process!! LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

this is great.

this is NOT for anyone. i just thought this was so funny. so i'll post this hate for a persons blog on my blog.


Friday, July 13, 2012

free stuff is good. and free.

So it's been a few...

anyways. i got some free stuff last week to review. here's me discovering what i got. so interesting, right? SO INTERESTING. but hey, free is good. especially when it's theses lovely things in the video. i'll be doing a follow up video over the weekend hopefully to talk about how lovely these free thing were. :)

also, i have been doing more with youtube then i have with this blog. sorry bout that. making youtube videos is something i have wanted to do for a very long time (hence this post from like two years ago.)

so i was thinking i could make a deal with all of you followers here. so as not to completely abandon this blog and all of you, how bout i start posting my videos here after they are uploaded to youtube? and then give a little more commentary?

how does that sound?

so you think can handle the bout of weirdness you will see from me in person? well, either way. you're going to have to. because it's happening. :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

never EVER buy clinical anti perspirant deodorant.

oh the things that DON'T frustrating. at least i didn't smell like body odor. i just looked like it. haha. NO.

Friday, June 8, 2012

clips from colorado.

so i have been vlogging a bit while in colorado. and i finally put each set of clips together. watch them and be awesome from it. :)


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

the snyder family

hidey ho from Colorado!

so it has been a few days. whoops.

anyways, i want to share with you a fantastic part of my trip so far in Colorado. I had wonderful privilege to see and stay the night with the Snyder family! I LOVE THEM.

erik and sarah. aren't they quite the attractive couple?

camille and catherine. such sweeties.

jack and jude.
when i last saw jack, he was a little as jude.
crazy isn't it?
but these two are a sweet as can be also. 

i have known sarah....oh wait. let's rephrase that. sarah has known me since i was, as she has put it before, "tucked safe in side my momma". true story. we go waaaaay back.

and then, about two years ago, i ran into sarah, her husband erik, and their little one (at the time. he's a big boy now) jack, at the beach. i stole jack from them for a little while so they could go on a little beach walk date. and jack and i had a little beach date as well. we played in the sand. ;)

so yesterday-my mom, my grandparents and my self went up to Estes Park Colorado (fantastic little town. I WANT TO GO BACK. i already have a favorite store there.) to Ravencrest to see them. let's say that it was too short of a visit. well for me that is. i got to see my beach buddy jack who has turned in to a big boy, and meet his sweet older sisters, catherine and camille, and then meet the new little one, jude.

i cannot say enough about the snyder family. they are awesome!!! erik and sarah love jesus and they raise their kids in such a godly home. and their children are so well behaved and fun and hilarious!!!

i so enjoyed the short time we got to be with them. i'm not gonna lie either- as we were pulling away and jack blew me a kiss, i got a little teary eyed. :)

synder fam- love ya'll! thank you so much for your hospitality. i hope we can do this again. :)

and yes, sarah, i borrowed some pictures from your blog. i hope you don't mind. :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012


so guess what. i'm in colorado. RIGHT NOW. AS WE SPEAK.

my mom and i are visiting my grandparents.

and i'm going to be here until next sunday, june tenth.

so if you wanna see some of the cool stuff i may or may not be doing, you should go to my youtube channel (also located in the tabs above) and subscribe and watch my crazy self.

k thanks bye. :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

yes. i'm talking about them.

i apologize for the lack on sync-ege with the audio. i don't know why it's doing that.

please subscribe.

Monday, May 7, 2012


attention: "don't judge me" is all i can say about this.

so yesterday, and today....i have been fan-girling.


they are back. and i am so dang excited.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

things that make me laugh

and it's time for yet another installment of funny pictures. i don't know what it is about pictures like these, but i get such a kick out of them.

last couple of posts like this (both here and here)

i got the few you're about to see from tumblr. follow me .

and while this is funny, it is also totally true.

i will do this.

love this movie.

.."does whatever a spidercat does..."

everyday of my life.
those aren't the right words?