Wednesday, March 28, 2012

video ideas, por favor?

ya'll should be pleased that i said something in spanish, especially because yesterday, IN SPANISH 2, i literally felt like i knew nothing. maybe i was still on a high from a wonderful weekend. yep. that's probably it.

any who, i have a request to my followers and those who regularly read my blog.

i have been making some youtube videos the past two weekends, which you can find here and here, and i think, I THINK, that i'm going to start just trying to do a video or two on the weekends depending on what's going on or what i'm doing.

please note: TRY is the key word here. i CANNOT guarantee at all that i will have a video every weekend.

here's my dilemma. i don't really have any more ideas other then what i have already done. and maybe one more for this weekend-not sure on that.

so my question for ya'll is: WHAT SHOULD I DO? do YOU have any ideas? suggestions? should i just not? (just kidding on that last one)

also, be nice to me and subscribe to my youtube channel, and let me know what you think.

gracias. (oh look more spanish!)


twiggy@thedirtlife said...

do a video on the most "collegy" thing you have in your dorm or house, or wherever you live.

ie. duct taped refrigerator or christmas lights strung as lighting.

college stuff. oh, the days....

Caroline Gant said...

ahhh. good one! although i still live at home, i can probably find SOMETHING. :) thanks!

Tamara @ Go Fish Style said...

great videos!

Caroline Gant said...

i guess that means a blogging person has watched my videos. YAY! THANK YOU!! :)