Monday, July 30, 2012

the start of something lovely.

today is the start of something lovely.
my dear friend/ "sister" Jennifer, has joined us in the blog world!!!

i love this girl so much!  and she is a fantastic writer. 
go be a gem on a ring and check out her very first entry!!

To Jennifer-
i'm so excited that you have finally, FINALLY started a blog. especially since i have been suggesting it for a while. :))))) already i can see that this will be fascinating and can't wait to see whats in store for you through this process!! LOVE YOU!


Mrs. Dawn said...

Everybody needs a cheerleader like you on their team!!
Oh, and I HATE HATE HATE captcha codes, but I commenting anyway. : )

Caroline Gant said...

thanks for going through those stupid codes. :D and your more then welcome!

Jennifer said...

You're the bomb, Caroline! :) Thanks for being so stinkin' awesome! :)
Love you!!