Monday, December 12, 2011

letters to my classes: psychology

here is another letter to my past school subject.

(oh by the way, i didn't fail art history. YES!)

psychology is one of those subjects, that sounds interesting and is interesting, but then again it's not all at the same time.

dear psychology,

you also gave me grief. while you were interesting, and while i studied by bum off for exams on yourself, you still lacked with the understanding department. i also don't understand why i sometimes felt like i was in biology class, with the talks on the parts of the brain and the birds and the bees......lucky for you i will not be majoring in psychology.
maybe you'll have better respect for the next batch of students.

caroline, the unamused.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Everybody Behave Naturally A-B-C

A= Available - eh, i don't think "available" is the right word. yes, i'm single. but a guy who wants me has to love Jesus and be pretty stinking amazing in my opinion.
B= Best Friend - i ain't gonna single anyone out and look like i'm playing favorites. but YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE.
C= Cake or pie - CAKE! I am marie Antoinette when in the sense of "let them eat cake". lol
D= Drink of choice - Coffee with Cream, sweet tea, milk and water.
E= Essential item you use everyday - My Macbook
F= Favorite color - blue yellow and green usually
G= Gummy bears or worms - Gummy...worms
H= Hometown - I was born in Beaufort South Carolina, and i live in......Beaufort South Carolina
I= Indulgences - starbucks, target, going to Charleston
J= January or February - february
K= Kids and Names - I'm not married therefore there will be no children from me until marriage
L= Life is incomplete without? - Jesus, Family, coffee and chocolate
M= Marriage date - ain't got no i dea. :)
N= Number of siblings - one older half sister, and i think of my friends as siblings, some more then others, but you know.....
O= Oranges or apples - Apples.
P= Phobias or Fears - I wouldn't neccesarily call this a phobia but, i hate hate HATE clowns.
Q= Favorite Quote - "The whole purpose of places like Starbucks is for people with no decision-making ability whatsoever to make six decisions just to buy one cup of coffee. Short, tall, light, dark, caf, decaf, low-fat, non-fat, etc. So people who don't know what the hell they're doing or who on earth they are can, for only $2.95, get not just a cup of coffee but an absolutely defining sense of self: Tall. Decaf. Cappuccino. " Joe Fox, You've got Mail
R= Reason to smile - Our God's great love and coffee.
S= Season - Fall.
T= Tag 3 or 4 people - you read this, you've been tagged, therefore you do this
U= Unknown fact about me - I could drive anywhere in the world if my car had audiobooks and dr. pepper stocked.
V= Vegetable you don't like - eggplant
W= Worst habit - let's not talk about it.....
X= X-rays - yep....
Y= Your favorite food - CHEESE!!! cinese food, and italian food
Z= Zodiac Sign - nope no thanks.

now it's your turn, you read, you do this. :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

the awkward moment when.....

ahh. finished with finals. it's a sweet sweet feeling. VICTORY IS MINE. now i just have to wait for grades. yucko.

and now we are now back on the right path.

....when you are walking down the steps of the library, and you almost miss a step, and instead practically fly off the steps. shockingly, while i thought i was going to die, i managed to land on my feet and play it cool...kinda.

....when a student hands you something while yawning and talking. AT THE SAME TIME. sorry sir, i don't know what you said. you overestimate my interpretation skills.

...when someone walks into the bathroom and let's out a big SIIIGGGH. hahaha. pretty relieved to have made it to the bathroom, are we now?

....when CHOCOLATE COVERED BACON is actually almost as good as people have made it out to be. it really is. but it is equally as strange. not gonna lie.

....when you're being a studious student, and studying in the library and you movie your foot on the wood chair in a way that makes it sound like you LET ONE RIP, ifyouknowwhatimean *wink wink wink*. and it's awkward enough that it was my foot moving on wood. THAT IS ALL.oh and it happened more then once. but it's not like i would let one rip in the library. GOSH DANG IT.

....when one of your friends have reached a point or delerium were they start smelling their own shoes and feet. BUT it was 11:30 at night, soooooooo......

....when some dude walks by with a look of constipation on his face. it was weird. i mean seriously. THE BOY LOOKED CONSTIPATED.

....when some who is waiting for their print job, and when told to cross his fingers, LITERALLY CROSSES HIS FINGERS. wow.

...when you have a massive brain explosion (not just a brain fart, but a BRAIN EXPLOSION; much worse then a brain fart, let me tell you) and you can't remember how many nickel are ina dollar. the even more awkward thing about it is the fact that i had to ask my boss for help. she probably thought i was crazy. *sigh* thankfully i'm finished with school for at least a month right? RIGHT?

....when you get an email about new documentaries and get super excited. "oh oh! there's one about facebook! weeeee!

letters to my classes: art history

hello my dear has been awhile, no?

well as i stated in my last post, i have been MIA simply because of stupid finals. annnd...not many awkward moments have happened because of that. although finals are pretty awkward themselves, eh?

anyways, i thought it would be fun to do a couple posts to these particular subjects that i have been taking, just to explain how i feel. this will call for a few posts today to make up for lack of post-ege, if you will.

who's excited??? ME. first letter is toooo.....ART HISTORY. the worst subject known to man.

(note: now if you like art or majored in this when you were in college,

please don't take offense. i really DID NOT enjoy this class AT ALL. )

back story:

when i first applied for college (UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA-BEAUFORT) i applied for studio art, because i was hoping they had something in photography (something which i loved at the time and still enjoy now), like most of the colleges i had looked at. well, i finished the app, ready to turn it in, and there was something called, the dreaded "application fee". it was at least 50 bucks. crazy right? yes. so i had to request a fee waiver.
anyways, i went and visited again, just to tour the school and on this particular day they were offering to scratch the application fee if you applied then. so i did.

when i got to the end of orientation a few months later, i was given my class schedule. it had all the classes a freshman studio art major would take, including ART HISTORY. i explained about the whole app thing, and so we ended up picking and choosing some freshman courses. being the DUMB DUMB that i am, i saw the art history course and thought to myself "oh hey, ill leave that one on there. it looks interesting." IT ISN'T. no one bit interesting.

and so this leads me to the letter i wrote on facebook the weekend before my exam.

dear art history,

before i get back to studying, i wanted to let you know something. YOU HATE ME. and i hate you. but you're not making this easy. you make me cry (literally) and think that i will fail (which is a possibility). so, if i do have to take you again, please try as hard as you can and not cause me so much grief. i thought we could be friends, but from the looks of it, that's NEVER GONNA HAPPEN.

i hope i never see you again


you're unsatisfied participant.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

thanksgiving 2011

hi friends!!!!! hope you're thanksgiving was awesome.

mine was......

i'll have another post soon with some picture from thanksgiving weekend. fair warning though. i may not post for a while: shocker i know. but i have finals coming up and it's kinda stressful. but after finals i'll hopefully be better!!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

the awkward moment when...

hey ya'll! sorry this is being posted on friday instead of thursday. i had it all ready, but never got the chance to post it.

....when you can tell people recognize you because you work at the library, but don't acknowledge you. this just leaves us with awkward eye contact....MY FAVORITE.

....when the sun is so bright that you can't tell what color the traffic light is. this left me with the decision of "just keep driving and hope for the best." yes i know...that's bad.

....when you over hear a history teacher talking about sometime when everyone was "hooking up and getting pregnant"and my response "......."

....when you are looking outside and you see someone trying to be cool and dribble a basket ball. he then ended up completely dropping the ball entirely. then he proceeded to chase after it. hahahahahahaha ON HIM.

....when you're unraveling headphones and you practically whip your self in the process. may i repeat that, my intelligence never ceases to fail me?

....when someone gets completely irritated because they printed out the wrong thing, and they still have to pay. then when informed this gentleman that even though he messed it up somehow, he still had to pay and then just threw his coins at me.....not really, but he wasn't a happy camper.

....when you're posting a facebook status about said incident and it turns out that you put it as someones wall post instead

....when you think someone is coming to the desk to ask you something but it turns out they just left their water bottle there. and he tried to smoothly pull off the fact that he left something. i guess maybe more awkward for him then me, seeing that i giggled inside.

....when you sneeze and it echos throughout THE ENTIRE LIBRARY. and the silence afterward is haunting.

....when you trip and almost die over the CPU on your computer while trying to check something out to someone.

....when you catch yourself putting a book in the recycle bin. *sigh*

....when your art history teacher tells you about a piece of art and then proceeds to show an animated version of this painting. really??? REALLY. watching an animated version of the piece isn't going to change my feelings about it. and who in their right mind would even WANT to make an animated version of A PAINTING?

....when your studying in the library and the person behind you sounds like a grizzly bear every five minutes or so because he is stretching.

....when you're class mate is talking, rather loudly in the library about...*cough*...female things.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

guest post: drama llama

hi friends. hope your tuesday is going well.....mine has been, well........interesting. but you'll here about that on thursday. :)

anyway, one of my best friends, Alyse (you can check her blog out here)

she begged and begged and begged to do a guest post. (not really. i'm a softy. kinda. besides, i need to put more up here then just once or twice a week.)

she is hilarious. we have such a good time together and so i'm super excited to have her posting on my blog. enjoy!!!


This is a drama llama:

The drama llama was thought to be nearly extinct, but recent events have proven initial theories wrong.

This rare beast is drawn to conversations and interactions in which there is sure to be drama.
When drama erupts, the llama raises its head, enjoying the confusion and turmoil.

However, it usually has a calming, if not absurd effect on those gathered.

The drama llama’s appearance is quite awkward and out of the 1,453,689 times it was tested with live human subjects, only 6 times did it not yield laughter. (For the record, those tests were conducted with the blind – who could not see the drama llama emerging – and the mute – who, well, could not laugh at it. But they sure did make some strange gestures in sign language.)

Where the drama llama originates from is still shrouded in complete mystery.

Researchers never actually released a drama llama into the room along with the participants, but nevertheless, the drama llama did appear. However, when it did appear, the closest participant was suddenly missing an arm. Researchers were horrified (but glad everyone had signed waivers). They discovered, though, that when the drama llama left, the person’s arm was there again.

If anyone has any insight as to how this may have occurred, please contact your local ‘drama queen’ to test your theory before reporting your findings to 1-800-XXX-XXXX. (If you see numbers instead of X’s, you are indeed special skilled enough to call the number you see.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

the awkward moment when.....

....when someone in you proximity, has yet another bad case of the Monday mornings. now i hate mondays JUST AS MUCH as the next person, but i don't begin my mondays fussing about something that has happened over the weekend. this is getting RIDICULOUS. this has been going on for two or three weeks IN A ROW. same person. holy crap..........

....(monday november 7) when you're writing a paper arguing against euthanasia, which is suppose to be five pages, double spaced, and all you can regurgitate only about three double spaced pages worth.........WHY MUST THIS BE SO HARD. and the kicker is that i have put in everything i wanted to argue (which was a lot) and it still didn't come out to five pages......growl.

....when someone says hi to you, and apparently you cannot speak that day. my "hi" came out a cross between a "hi" and a "hello", making it a 'haullll" of so
me sort. good gracious. i swear my intelligence amazes me to no end.
high five in the face for me please!

....when someone is riding your tail, and you proceed to LOOK INTO THE REAR VIEW MIRROR AT THEM and yell. the awkward part is the fact that they slow down as soon as you do this, making you think that they actually heard you......

....when you're pumping gas into your truck and you hear the music over the speakers, suddenly begin to skip. that's classy, playing a scratched cd over the sound system. and i thought gas stations generally just played the radio......

....when you're reaching for the door handle and it is farther away then you anticipated. i then proceeded to claw at the air and nearly fall over just because of MOMENTARY LAPS IN JUDGEMENT.

....when you see someone that you have met a couple times, so you say "hi! how are you?" then they say "good" and look at you like they have no idea who you are. COME ON. you do too know who i am, DON'T ACT LIKE YOU DON'T. poop face.

....when the drive thru lady goes to hand you your order, and she DROPS IT OUT THE WINDOW. granted, it WAS and accident. but she then proceeded to dangle herself out the window to see if she could grab it. thanks but no thanks, i would rather awkwardly get out my car to grab it rather then you falling out of the drive thru window ON YOUR HEAD.

....when you see someone having a genuine rock out session in their car, and you laugh at them. then you realize that you do THE EXACT SAME THING

....when your teacher pulls and random and unnecessary crude joke in your class. REALLY? come on.........

....when you're walking to class and you see someone running with their arms extended but bent at their elbows. juuuuuusst picture it...........


i was told yesterday that i have a beautiful smile! my day was made, especially considering that my smile made someone else's day. thank you friend for the kind words!!

and with that, i'll leave you with a smile.

have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

why pens are so important...

i saw this on facebook but i'm going to elaborate a smidgen.....


in life, a simple pen makes ALL the difference, especially when your a student. if you loose your pen then...well, you have no pen. that's obvious. for a student, THIS IS BAD. VERY BAD. if you have no pen, you have nothing to take notes with, because of course, we college students no longer resort to mere pencils.
without the ability to take notes, you will have nothing to study when quiz or exam time comes around. once again, VERY BAD. so with nothing to study, you inevitably fail, unless you were blessed with a photographic mind. if you're one of THOSE people, then this isn't for you.

let's recap: lost pen. no pen. can't take notes for lack of pen, therefore you fail your classes.

for us with no photographic mind WHATSOEVER, we fail with out a pen, meaning, there is no diploma for the future. if you have no diploma, there is a VERY HIGH chance that you will not be able to get a job. no work means no money. THAT'S ALSO VERY BAD.

if you have no money, you will have no food. and with your lack of food, you will be super hungry and get super skinny. and being super skinny will make you ugly. JUST SAYIN.

being ugly (according to the crap world that we live in) means you will not find a lover. that stinks, doesn't it? if you have no lover who then will you marry? NO ONE. this also means that you will never produce offspring. and if you have no children, you're left alone. being alone all the time is a cause of depression.

because of this depression that your doctor will diagnose you with, you will not take very good care of yourself, leaving you prone to illness. you'll get sick, then die.

so what is the moral of this story? if you loose your pen, you'll die.


hold on to your pens. they just might save your life.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

the awkward moment when.....

most of these happened on a monday. probably about half. WHY DO THESE ALWAYS HAPPEN ON A MONDAY?

....your at walmart, and APPARENTLY your pay check has gone through juuuuuuuust yet. and i was at a u-scan. which decided to share the news that i was broke with EVERYONE AT WALMART. those things are so annoying, aren't they? i feel lucky when i find one with the sound TURNED OFF. that's rare.

....when your pulling your heavy bag up off the floor and make a grunting noise because it is so heavy. a quiet-ish grunt, but A GRUNT IS A GRUNT. right as i made this noise, an attractive guy comes around the corner. RIGHT AS I GRUNT. no sir, i am not a pig, MY BIG IS SUPER HEAVY.

....when said attractive guy goes to the water fountain AT LEAST five times during is tie in the library. (disclaimer: the water fountain is past the circulation desk where i work, so i ALWAYS see who comes and goes to the water fountain.) we will call him "mr attractive" for security purposes. SERIOUSLY mr attractive. have you NOT HEARD of a water bottle??? although, later on, THAT SAME DAY, he came back up to the water fountain with a cup. i was having a proud moment for someone i didn't know. i am so weird sometimes.

....freaking out THIS SAME GUY (mr. attractive) when checking out head phones to him. first, because i was at the computer, HE DIDN'T EVEN LET ME KNOW HE WAS THERE. so immediately i felt horrible for not seeing someone was standing there. he just needed a pair of head phones. so second, i check out a pair of headphones to him, but right as i'm handing them i realize that they didn't scan properly. IN MID REACH, i snatch the head phones out of his grasp saying "oh dang it, it didn't scan properly" kinda of loud, i guess. so once i scan the pair of head phones properly, i hand them back saying apologizing. HE JUST STARES AT ME. then he HESITATES to take them back. he takes them and i apologize again. AND HE SAYS NOTHING. making this so much more awkward then it already was. THANK YOU SO MUCH. jeeez..........

....someone in your general proximity has a VERY BAD CASE of monday mornings. and they are VERY audible. lovely. way to make mondays even better. YOU ARE SO HELPFUL.

....when, on Halloween mind you, your friend walks in the library wearing devil horns. then a coworker proceeds to say "oh that little devil is Caroline's friend" think about it. HOW DOES THAT SOUND? i personally thought it was hilarious. :)

....when you stick your hands in the new, fancy schmancy, hand dryer in the bathroom, and it sounds like a CHAINSAW about to SAW YOUR HANDS OFF. who would even WANT to use that? it scared the living daylights outta me, i'll tell you that.

....when you sneeze and your eye twitches almost immediately after. strange feeling, that is.

....when someone walks by and smiles. that's not awkward, except for the fact that he had FLOSS STILL HANGING FROM HIS MOUTH.

....when your walking to class and you see someone sitting on a bench. so how is that awkward, you ask? well, instead of one pair of legs, i see two sitting in the same spot, meaning that someone is sitting in another person's lap. the awkward part is that i realized i had been STARING AT THEM THE ENTIRE TIME i was processing the seating situation. *queue pulling out phone and playing with it so you look busy.....

....when you find out that screaming that you heard in the bathroom last week (you can find that awkward moment here) REALLY. DID. HAPPEN. and that you weren't just imagining it, but now you wish you did. AND THAT'S ALL I'M GONNA SAY ABOUT THAT.

....when your looking at your DISPOSABLE starbucks cup, and it says DO NOT MICROWAVE. what? am i gonna die from microwaving it? i ALWAYS microwave my coffee in that cup when it gets cold. POOP.

....when your walking in the library and someone notices you and looks at you as if they are saying "why are you looking over my shoulder?" when in fact, you ARE NOT LOOKING OVER THEIR SHOULDER. are you doing something you shouldn't be? why do you look so guilty?

....when someone checks out a book entitled "the tequila worm". and it's from the CHILDREN'S SECTION. need i say more.

....when someone comes up to the gamecock bobble head at your desk (yeah that's right CLEMSON fans. A GAMECOCK BOBBLE HEAD. be jealous.) and makes it's head bobble. the just stands there STARING AT IT. creepy much?

....when you can't burp. not WON'T burp, CAN'T. trust me. i would LOVE TO BE ABLE TO BURP, like a normal person. but, except for something SUPER QUIET and rare, i can't do it. AT ALL. and it is uncomfortable. it really is. so instead i hiccup, or just have this massive amount of burp air that i can't push up without making my self vomit. tis a sad life i lead.

....when you look at the mole on your finger at a certain angle and learn that it looks like a pregnant lady's belly button. with hair. delightful, no?

....when your driving fast in the slow lane and some mini van from Connecticut passes you. and the drives is like 100 years old.

....when you get a sweet tea from bojangles and learn that their tea ISN'T AS AWESOME has i had been told. not that i won't drink it,because i am a firm believer in sweet tea. it's just not near as amazing as Micky D's or subway's. OH YEAH. I WENT THERE. WHAT NOW?

....when you talk to yourself in the car as if there is someone else in there with you. and then you answer your self. *facepalm*

put links in the comments about your awkward moments or snag the awkward moment when button and join in every thursday!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

the awkward moment when.....

there are ALOT of awkward moments in store for today......
you are about to be bombarded...... think about your week realize that nothing too terribly awkward has happened thus far. you then began to panic slightly. as soon as you begin to panic, the awkward moments begin flowing. for some reason you feel relieved. you were worried for a second because you wondered if maybe you were knocked unconscious without knowing it.

....when your in the bathroom, with soap on your hands, ready to wash, and the automatic sink DOES NOT COME ON. BEGIN PANIC.....NOW.....

....when you sit around on a sunday afternoon, looking through sparknotes articles, and LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY AT THE CREATIVITY ON THAT SITE. LIKE YOUR HIGH. but of course, you are not high. that would be very wrong.

....when your coworker, who played golf over the weekend, tell you that she "hit the doopey poopy out of the ball" (or something like that)

....when the same coworker, after hearing the alarm go off (BECAUSE APPARENTLY NO ONE CAN READ THE SIGNS ON THE DOORS), says that somebody pulled a "naughty no no."

....when your sitting in the bathroom stall, minding your business while doing your business, and you hear a great deal of toilet paper rustling. no problem there. then, not a second later, you hear EVEN MORE rustling of the TP. and what is going through my mind is, "ARE YOU DYING? WHY DO YOU NEED SO MUCH TOILET PAPER."

....when you rush in to the building, rush into class, sit down, the realize that you have had your jacket on inside out for like 15 minutes. FAIL.

....when you walk in to poli sci class, and your class mate has Selena Gomez playing. now, i have no objection to Selena Gomez. however when your class mate is a dude, and a country boy, and HE LIKES Selena Gomez......well, it's interesting to say the least.

....when your shelf reading, and you come across a book entitled, "lipstick jihad." WHAT??

....when you hold the door open for a guy and a girl and the girl says 'thank you', but her dude friend just grunts. LIKE AN ANIMAL. ok that's a lie, but still. USE YOUR WORDS MAN. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

....when your day is made by a book called "higgely piggly pop." YES. GIBBERISH FOR THE WIN.

....when you read the word "Counts" as " Coconuts". yes friends, I AM A SWELL READER.

....when some dude thinks that his number was written down, on SOMETHING HE LEFT IN THE LIBRARY, joking suggests that it was looked up for a date. YOU SIR, are very secure in your attractiveness. and while you are very nice to look at (ain't gonna lie about that) , THAT IS NOT WHY YOUR NUMBER WAS LOOKED UP. does that line normally work for you? deflate that head of yours. or i will.

....when you go out to your car on the night of the haunted forest at your school and you realize that your are parked VERY CLOSE TO THE FOREST. you know this because you hear chainsaws and screaming. and is reason enough in it self NOT to participate. college students have sick minds.

....when you comeback inside from your car and swear that you hear screams coming from the bathroom and/or elevator.

....when you open up your sealed drink and the seal breaking is so loud that you hear it echo across the practically empty library. MY BAD. SORRY.

....when you shake up said bottle and find out you for got to tighten the cap because some of the liquid just spilled all over your hands.

....when you repeat the above moment at least two more times. you realize that YOU. ARE. SO. AWESOME.

....when the library is very empty. someone then takes advantage of the silence and decided to hawk some PRETTY MAJOR LOOGIES. over and over and over......ARE YOU DYING? CAN'T YOU GET IT OUT IN ONE MAJOR HAAAAWWWWK. serioulsy.

happy thursday!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

have you ever wondered...

have you ever wondered what it would be like to be on a caffeine drip?

like a legit IV, pumping massive amounts of caffeine into your system?

wouldn't this be a beautiful thing?

now i don't want to see anyone comment on here or on facebook saying how illogical or bad for you that would be.

just let me have that daydream in peace, por favor.

gracias. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

nutella hot chocolate. holy moly.

so i tried Jamie's, over at awesomely awkward, nutella hot chocolate recipe......

holy flipping cow bells (i came up with that one myself).......that stuff right there should be illegal. HEAVENLY.

i did do a little something different though. i added kirkland signature organic vanilla soy milk instead of regular milk. then followed the recipe verbatim.

(sorry for the back wards pic. i took it on photo-booth and i have no idea how to fix it.)

try it's to die for.

Friday, October 21, 2011

all for one and one for all......

alyse and i spent the day in bluffton and hilton head today.

we went to see the three 3D.
oh flipping was AWESOME.
i can't stand how great it was.

this lovely dude, Matthew Macfayden, was in it,
which made me super excited because
i LOVED LOVED LOVED HIM as mr darcy in the newer pride and prejudice.

also this attractive kid was in it.
logan lerman.
most would associate him with that percy jackson movie that i never saw.
i associate him with HOOT.
he has grown up since then...and is very handsome.
i loved him in the movie.

then we decided to be super cool and take some pictures after the movie....

when i see something in three dimension, this is how i usually go through the movie.
lifting my classes up and down so stuff doesn't fly in my face.

yeah. fun day. awesome movie. strange girls. this is what we do when we have fall break.

we MAKE a day. yeah.....