Tuesday, September 4, 2012

two decades.

well, today is my twentieth birthday. i share this day with beyonce', or so i was told. 

um....yay for me? 
i think? 

anyways, today i really didn't do anything but school and work, which does stink with it being your birthday and all, but this past weekend totally made up for it. :)

what had happened was (and all good stories start out this way)...my friend, Danielle, tells me, not asks me, but tells me thursday night that i am going to come spend the night at her house sunday night. because i enjoy her company, i say "sure."

well sunday comes around, i pack the way i would normally pack for a night at a friends. myself, along with Danielle, Abigail, my mom and some other lady-friends go to lunch. danielle, abigail and myslef head back to the church afterwards, where the surrounded me, tell me to take off my glasses and proceed to put a blind fold over my face.  then after about an hour and many twists and turns, we finally stop driving (also after a bathroom break for SOMEONE and one other stop). 

does the blind fold come off then?

my mom pulls me out of the car and starts leading me somewhere.

then she takes the blind fold off, i put my glasses on, and i find myself in the presence of what used to be three of my very good friends that i have grown up with. these three have turned in to very handsome citadel knobs! 

i haven't seen them for a month, so the fact that we were able to see then while in charleston was so great. such a pleasant surprise!

the beginning of my weekend really stunk like poo, but this made it so much happier.

the best friend and myself. 
the other best friend and myself.
and still another dear friend and myself.
dani and the boys.

and then we spent the next day just walking around downtown charleston, which is something i love to do. charleston is one of my very favorite places.

at the waterfront park in charleston, sc.

the whole litter of us beaufortonians.

thank you to my mom for making this happen. thank you to the nicholas's and Wes for making me happy for my birthday. thank you bray and zach for also making me happy. thank you danielle and abby for kidnapping and torturing me. 

you all are pretty dang fantastic and know how to make a girl feel special. 



Alana Christine said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun surprise they planned for you!

Caroline Gant said...

thanks girl! it was pretty fun!

Jennifer said...

*sniff sniff* I miss Zach...

but on a happier note...Happy Birthday, for like the eight time. :)

And Danielle looks so cute with her hat! :)